
News Autopilot Script

Version 2.0 comes with improvements and upgrades.

  1. New "Cooper" theme added
  2. Css and JS compression added
  3. Cleaned unused resources
  4. Un-used image cleaner added under admin panel > system
  5. Spintax support added under Admin panel > contet > site Settings
  6. Grabber Code upgraded
  7. Tags updated for better SEO score

Version 1.7 comes with improvements and upgrades.

  1. Option added for using popular news as banner [Admin panel> content > site settings] [NEW]
  2. News with matched words only option added [ROOT/application/config/webhelios.php] [NEW]
  3. Block news with matched words option added [ROOT/application/config/webhelios.php] [NEW]
  4. facebook comment plugin version update [FIX]

Version 1.6 comes with improvements and upgrades.

  1. Banner slider loading issue solved [UPDATE]
  2. Mega menu category count added [UPDATE]
  3. Marquee mobile browser issue solved [UPDATE]
  4. Filter text option added (Admin panel > content > site settings) [NEW]
  5. Widget name as title option added [UPDATE]

Version 1.5 comes with improvements and upgrades.

  1. Sub category menu click issue solved [FIX]
  2. Mega menu option added [NEW]
  3. Paginition issue solved [FIX]

Version 1.4 comes with improvements and upgrades.

  1. 404 message issue for archaived news solved [FIX]
  2. Title instead of logo option added [NEW]
  3. Date translation language keys adeed [UPDATE]
  4. Facebook api version updated [UPATE]
  5. Category and Source menu hide option added [NEW]
  6. Detail page meta description issue solved [FIX]
  7. Duplicate image on details page issue solved [UPDATE]
  8. Fivefilter paid url adding issue [FIX]
  9. Mysqli database driver support added [NEW]
  10. Cron job issue if cli is not available solved [UPDATE]
  11. URL special character encode issue solved [UPDATE]
  12. Site RSS feed upgrading sorting issue fixed [FIX]
  13. Sharethis buttons css fixed [UPDATE]
  14. General user news create option added [NEW]
  15. Popular news sorting issue solved [FIX]
  16. Separate rss feed implemented for each category , source and date [NEW]
  17. Feature news carousel and banner option added [NEW]
  18. Adblock identifier option added [NEW]
  19. Subcategory added as sub menu[UPDATE]
  20. Tinymce editor updated. It's possible to add image within description.[NEW]

Version 1.3 comes with improvements and upgrades.

  1. Option added to choose language for ADMIN panel & Website separately[NEW]
  2. Grabbed image width issue on description [FIXED]
  3. Five filter url changing option added[NEW]
  4. Grab duration range set from 1 to 24 hours[NEW]
  5. Option to extract the first image from the source article added[NEW]
  6. Rss feed option added[NEW]
  7. Site map frequency and priority updated[UPDATE]
  8. News detail page url updated[UPDATE]
  9. Unused image deletation added[NEW]
  10. All subcategory showing option added[NEW]
  11. Meta tag for canonical url added[UPDATE]

Version 1.2 comes with improvements and upgrades.

  1. Subcategory news count issue on rightbar issue [FIXED]
  2. Page publishing error from admin panel [FIXED]
  3. Video embed on news description issue [FIXED]
  4. Latest news marquee issue for long news titles [FIXED]
  5. Manual edit issues for grabbed news [FIXED]
  6. Autograb for multiple sources cron issue [FIXED]
  7. Purchase verification issue [FIXED]
  8. Admin panel loading time issue [FIXED]

Version 1.1 comes with improvements and upgrades.

  1. Grab Now option not showing [FIXED]
  2. Database field missing issue [FIXED]
  3. Widget added for the header adsense [NEW]
  4. Full text news grabbing option added using Full text RSS api of

Version 1.0 comes with improvement and upgrades.

  1. Easy 2 step installation
  2. Responsive design with Bootstrap3
  3. 2 types of users(Admin and Moderator)
  4. Easy cron setup for autograbbing news from RSS or ATOM feed.
  5. Dashboard statistics
  6. Create unlimited Categoris and Sub-categories
  7. Create unlimited News Sources
  8. Easy & intelligent scheduling for news sources
  9. Can create manual news
  10. Can Import News Manually and Automatically(Cron job)
  11. Create unlimited widgets
  12. Change homepage content by drag drop
  13. Widget generator
  14. Place unlimited ads using widgets
  15. Easy user management
  16. Create unlimited pages
  17. Image and database backup tools
  18. Easy translateable front end and admin panel
  19. RTL support
  20. SEO friendly url
  21. Change logo, site title etc from admin panel
  22. DISQUS and FACEBOOK comment system intigrated
  23. Lazy loading for images
  24. Sitemap generator
  25. Open Graph to display Image when share to social networks
  26. and lot more

Version upgrading for Existing buyers

Note for existing buyers: If existing buyers do any kind of code customization on the newspilot application, please make sure that you followed the customization guidline given in the 'Source Code Explanation' section and follow the following steps to update:

Step 1:

  1. Backup your existing project
  2. Download the mini update pack from our server: or you can find the update pack in CodeCanyon product file zip.
  3. Go to Admin Panel > Upload. Locate the Zip file. And click upload and install.

Step 2: This step is a more manual one

  1. Backup your existing project
  2. Download the mini update pack from our server: or you can find the update pack in CodeCanyon product file zip.
  3. Unzip the update pack titled ""
  4. Replace ROOT/application directory with application directory [Merge and replace]
  5. Replace ROOT/dbc_config directory with dbc_config directory [Merge and replace]
  6. Replace ROOT/system directory with system directory [Merge and replace]

Note: Please create a sql backup before update. Also if any custom work is done on you script then please replace files carefully so that your custom works do not loose. If possible take a file backup also. Step 1 is a much easier method.

You can install Newspilot in following 4 easy step

1. Upload to your server and extract it

2. Ceate a database and database user.

3. Now browse and you will see an installation screen

4. Now provide your database settings

5. If provided database settings are ok , then you will be redirected to next step.Provide your administration setting here.

press save & next .If your account setting are ok then Newspilots will be installed and you can visit front end using

and admin panel using

6) If you run your installation on server you have to work through one step of purchase verification. When you buy our product from Envato, envato will provide you with a Purchase Code & Item ID. Simply paste these in this page and your purchase will be automatically verified. When running on localhost the installation will skip this step. So install our product multiple time in localhost but server hosting needs verification.

Explanations :

All News

Explanations :

Create News

Explanations :

Clear Old News

Explanations :

All Sources

Explanations :

Create Source

Explanations :

Site Settings

Explanations :

Explanations :
Explanations :
Explanations :
Explanations :
Explanations :

Please check this video tutorial

Explanations :
Explanations :


Explanations :

SMTP email settings

Explanations :

Auto translate

Explanations :

Edit email text

Explanations :

Default site settings

Explanations :

Web admin settings

Explanations :


Explanations :

How to setup cron for grabbing news ?

Answer :

How to create new language ?

Answer :

How to change logo or increase size ?

Answer :

How to hide signin signup menu ?

Answer :

How to modify home page content ?

Answer :

How to modify sidebar content ?

Answer :

How to place adsense ?

Answer :

How to add google analytics ?

Answer :

How to modify top bar ?

Answer :

How to modify menu color ?

Answer :

How to modify footer links ?

Answer :

How to change favicon ?

Answer :

How to change fb like box ?

Answer :

Where the css, js and images located ?

Answer :

How to extend helpers ?

Answer :

How to extend controllers or models ?

Answer :

How to create a new theme or modify front end views ?

Answer :

How to modify admin panel views ?

Answer :

We've used codeigniter version 2.0.3 as framework. As you know codeigniter basically is a MVC frame work. For newspilot we have used the HMVC version of Codeigniter. The H of HMVC stands for Hierarchical. In normal MVC model controllers, models and views are organized under ROOT/application directory. But in HMVC, there is one more level "Modules" under ROOT/application directory.

Suppose you have a module "admin" under this modules directory. Now controllers, models and views for this module can be placed under "ROOT/application/modules/admin/controllers","ROOT/application/modules/admin/models" and "ROOT/application/modules/admin/views" directory.

Now suppose there is a controller named as "test" under this controller directory and there is a function called "hello" in this controller. From browser you can access this function like site_url.'/admin/test/hello'. Here admin is the module name, test is the controller name and hello is the function name. If the controller and module name are the same then it can be typed once. Like if the controller name is "admin" then you can access this hello function like site_url.'/admin/hello'. Read more about HMVC form here

Language Routing:

For passing selected lang with the url we've modified codeigniters default routing. Now the first segment after index.php represents the selected lang key. Like for a sample url "" there "" is the site url and "en" is the language key. "en" stands for English language. You can use any two character ISO code for any language. If this segement is empty then default language selected from admin panel will be used. For changing the basic routing rule we've modified "ROOT/application/third_party/MX/Router.php". We have also override the site_url() function on URL helper. You can find this extended function on the helper file "ROOT/application/helpers/MY_url_helper.php".


All the helpers used in newspilot are placed under "ROOT/system/helpers" directory with the prefix "dbc". If you see any function in any controller or models or views which is called without through object then it's a helper function. You can then find that function in any of these helpers files.

Extending newspilot or writing custom codes:

How to extend controllers?

For any controllers you will see there is two files under controllers directory. Like for admin controller there will be two files named as

  1. admin.php
  2. admin_core.php

under the controllers directory. All the core functions are written on this "_core.php" files. If you need to change any function please extend the same function on the other file. For next version updates we will update only these "_core.php" file. So if you write any code or make any changes to these files, they will be loast upon update. So please write your custom codes on normal files.

How to extend the models?

These is same as the controllers.
How to extend views:

All the views for front end is managed as themes. Themes are located under "ROOT/application/modules/themes/views/" directory. If you want to change any view or want to make custom theme, then follow the below procedures.

  1. Copy the default directory under "ROOT/application/modules/themes/views/"
  2. Rename it like as you wish.(No spaces)
  3. Edit the NEW_DIR/assets/config.xml file and change the text within <name></name> tag
  4. Now from admin panel > menu > themes , you can find the new theme you just make. Click the active button and activate the theme.
  5. Now you can change any views like you wish.

We will update only default theme codes for future updates. So if you make any changes to these views under default directory, they will be lost. So please follow the above process to make a theme and update the views.

How to extend helpers?

As said before all the helpers for newspilot located under "ROOT/system/helpers" directory. But please don't update these files if you need any changes. Extending a helper file is very much simple. Suppose you want to extend is_installed() function on dbcbase_helper.php, then make another file named as "MY_dbcbase_helper.php" under "ROOT/application/helpers" directory and write the function with same name there. This will override the original helper file. We will update the helpers under "ROOT/system/helpers" for future updates.
Where the css, js and images located?
For front end all the css,js and images are located within "THEME/assets/" directory. For admin panel all these are located under "ROOT/assets/admin" directory.

 If you have any question or need any support contact with us on

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